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Safe EXIM Errors-Help

Personal Trust Agent Login Error. 1

Error: The page cannot be displayed . 1

Installshield Error when installing SafeExim on Windows 98 operating systems . 1

"Error 1607" - Unable to Install InstallShield Scripting Runtime. 1


Personal Trust Agent Login Error  

Solution: The customer is using a incorrect certificate to login into the DGFT website. Pls ask the customer to login using the correct certificate. 


 Error: The page cannot be displayed

The page cannot be displayed

The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because the page address is incorrect.

Please try the following:

  • If you typed the page address in the Address bar, check that it is entered correctly.
  • Open the home page and then look for links to the information you want.

HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed
Internet Information Services

Technical Information (for support personnel)

Solution: This error happens if the ikey in the system is not been detected or if the ikey is not inserted at all when viewing DGFT website. This can be confirmed by seeing the CIP Utilities.


Installshield Error when installing SafeExim on Windows 98 operating systems

Cause: The customer has not entered into the system with username and password. He would have clicked cancel and logged into the system.

Solution: He needs to setup a profile and then enter into the system and then try installing the software


"Error 1607" - Unable to Install InstallShield Scripting Runtime

Cause: This is due to a missing entry in the registry that is usually created when installing ISScript.msi in a previous installation of probably another product.

Solution: To resolve the issue you need to reregister a file called IDriver.exe:

- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the following location:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver\7\Intel 32

- Go to the start menu, Run command.

- Drag the file IDriver.exe to the run command window.

- Type the /regserver parameter after IDriver.exe and select OK. 


Back to Main

An error occurred while trying to login. Please check the certificate you used to login is correct. Also confirm that you have specified the complete domain name e.g. Click the Back button of your browser to try again.

Contact the administrator if you continue to experience this problem.

The error status code is Internal Error: Code 0x1e32, 7730

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