The information provided with your
request does not meet our authentication requirements. If you
continue to get this error, contact the
Status Code: A001
A001 error on Enrolling
for Digital Certificate
Token Redemption
Number was entered wrongly
Please ensure the following when
entering the Token Redemption Number:
There are no
leading or trailing spaces
Certain characters
like ‘l’, ‘I’, ‘1’, ‘0’ and ‘O’ may appear to be
The Token
Redemption Number is case
Token Redemption
Number is already used
A Token Redemption
Number can be used for only one
If you received the
“Page Cannot Be Displayed” error after submitting the
enrolment, and you re-submitted the enrolment information,
you may get the A001 error. This could mean that the
enrolment had been successfully completed earlier,
although you still got an error
Search - How do I
check if my Enrolment was completed
You can check to see if
the enrolment was completed by doing a
If the enrolment was
successful, you will see a page that shows the details of
the enrolment.
If you do not see any
details of the enrolment on this page, this means that the
enrolment was not successful and you will need to reenroll
that applicant again.
Still need Help?
Contact SafeScrypt with this
If after verifying that
the earlier enrolment was not successful and you reenrolled
and you still get the A001 error, you will need to contact
your SafeScrypt Account Manager or Sales Coordinator with the
following information:
Serial Number on the
back of the Safe EXIM Pack
Token Redemption
Number used for the enrolment
Full Name of the
applicant as given in the enrolment
E-mail ID of the
applicant as given in the enrolment
Problem faced and
steps you took to get this problem
Cause and Solution: Token
Redemption number is entered incorrectly. That needs to be entered
correctly to resolve this problem. This could also happen if the
enrollment has already happened
Registration Error
If you
continue to receive this error, contact the
Cause and Solution:This error
could occur if the customer clicks submit for certificate pick up
more than once. Please retry
the digital Certificate
pick up after 10 mins.
If you still continue
to get the error please contact
SafeScrypt Technical Support personnel to help you resolve the
You may be running Windows 95 without logging on.
If you did not provide a password after you started Windows
95, you have no means of protecting your private key.
Windows 95 does not allow you to generate a certificate
request in this case. Please logoff then logon again, and
then enroll for the Digital ID.
You did not choose to run the Enrollment ActiveX
control When loading the enrollment page, you should
have seen a "Security Warning" dialog for a program
digitally signed by Microsoft. (If you did not see this
dialog see the next point below). This program is required
to enroll for a certificate and is safe to run on your
computer and it's authenticity is proven by the digital
signature on the program which was verified when you saw the
You may have turned Active Content off. The
enrollment page uses an ActiveX control to do the
certificate request generation. Please turn on ActiveX by
going to the"Security Settings" tab in the "Internet
Options" dialog of the "View" menu in IE 4.0. Please set the
security settings to "Medium", which is the Microsoft
default security setting.
You may not be running the latest version of Internet
Explorer. Click here
to get the latest version of Internet Explorer.
You may not have required ActiveX Controls
installed. If you are running Windows 2000 or Windows
XP, please ask your system administrator to install OnSite
MSI package for you.
Cause and Solution: The Active X Control
Settings has been turned off. The customer needs to enable Active X
download. This can be done by the following procedure:
- Under Download ActiveX Controls make sure the Prompt button
is checked.
- Under Run Active X controls and
Plugins make sure the Enable button is checked
Error Status
Error Status Page
The following fields on previous page are not filled correctly.
Please correct the errors and resubmit.
The information entered in the
country, e-mail, and passcode value field must be US ASCII
Cause and Solution: When entering the Address
information, the customer would have typed in NON US ASCII character
such as comma or Full stop. The address filed does not accept these
characters. By removing the special
characters, the enrollment goes
Online Enrollment Status 6001
Online Enrollment Status:
If you continue to
get this error, and are sure that you entered all of the
information, contact the administrator.
Cause and Solution: This error can occur, if
the backend server is down.
Please contact SafeScrypt Support personnel to
help you resolve this error
Error 1B6. You may
need to install Onsite.MSI package
Cause and Solution: The
customer needs to install the OnsiteMSI package to resolve this
Error: Active X Control Error
ActiveX Control Download Error You may be using a Windows 2000 computer without adequate permissions.
You may have encountered
this error because of the following reasons -
You may have clicked 'No' when
prompted to download the ActiveX control(s)-If this is the
case click the back button of your browser and when prompted to
download the ActiveX control click 'Yes'
You may be working on a Windows 2000
machine without adequate permissions-You need to be a Power
User or a Local Administrator on this computer and you need to allow
ActiveX controls in your browser.If you are not sure whether you
have the correct permissions please contact your system
administrator and send the following link.
This link contains information that your
administrator can use to enable your machine with the necessary
You may not have allowed the
download of ActiveX controls in your browser-If you are a
Power user or a local administrator you need to enable ActiveX
controls in your browser and try your operation again. You can
enable ActiveX controls in your Internet Explorer options as follows
IE4 - Go to View->Internet Options menu and
select the Security pane.You can either set the security
level as Medium or choose Custom Level, ensure that you enable
Download signed ActiveX controls and Script ActiveX
controls marked safe for scripting
IE5 - Go to Tools->Internet Options menu and select
the Security pane.You can either set the default security
level as Medium or choose Custom Level, ensure that you enable
Download signed ActiveX controls and Script ActiveX
controls marked safe for scripting
Cause and
Solution: Customer does not have Administrative privileges
in his system. Please
set admin privileges in the system to download
the Active X controls.