In case you are facing problem while accessing the DGFT e-commerce Application, then download and install the following components. This may help you solve the problem:
Note: Windows 98 Users Must download & Install the EXE files(links
provided in section below: for Rainbow IKey 2000 users) instead of MSI
For Rainbow IKey 2000 users:
Install Roots EXE for login to the DGFT Application
Note: Please take your administrators assistance to install these components.
For Windows 2000, NT or XP Users:
The sizes of the EXE files are around 3.09 MB & 1.59 MB. In case you do not
want to download these files, then you may download and install the MSI
Utility. After that you can install the MSI files mentioned above for
Aladdin eToken PRO users. You can download MSI version 2.0 from;en-us;292539.